These functions are used to implement the ReX model from Crook et al 2024. using HDX-MS data using RJ-MCMC for inference.
These functions are used to implement the ReX model from Crook et al 2024. using HDX-MS data using RJ-MCMC for inference.
numIter = 1000,
R = 379,
numtimepoints = 3,
multivariate = FALSE,
timepoints = c(0, 30, 300),
tCoef = 1,
density = "Gaussian",
R_lower = 1,
R_upper = R,
priors = list(lambda = 100/(R - 1), meanlog = -3, sdlog = 1, rho = 0.5, shape1 = 1,
shape2 = 5, shape = 1, b_alpha = 1, b_beta = 200, dshape = 1, d_alpha = 1, d_beta =
1, sigma_sd = 0.5, pishape1 = 1, pishape2 = 10),
phi = 0.92,
init_param = "d",
numChains = 2L,
seed = NULL,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam()
numIter = 1000,
R = 379,
numtimepoints = 3,
multivariate = FALSE,
timepoints = c(0, 30, 300),
tCoef = 1,
density = "Gaussian",
R_lower = 1,
R_upper = R,
priors = list(lambda = 100/(R - 1), meanlog = -3, sdlog = 1, rho = 0.5, shape1 = 1,
shape2 = 5, shape = 1, b_alpha = 1, b_beta = 200, dshape = 1, d_alpha = 1, d_beta =
1, sigma_sd = 0.5, pishape1 = 1, pishape2 = 10),
phi = 0.92,
init_param = "d",
seed = NULL
An object of class DataFrame containing the HDX-MS data
The number of iterations for the MCMC. Default is 1000 but recommend at least 5000 in practice
The number of residues in the protein
The number of timepoints in the HDX-MS experiment
A logical indicating whether to use a multivariate model. Default is FALSE.
A numeric vector of timepoints in the HDX-MS experiment. Default is c(0, 30, 300).
A numeric value for the timpeoint standard deviation coefficient. Default is 1. This allows for the timepoint standard deviation to vary by a fixed factor. 1 indicates the same for each timepoint.
A character string indicating the density function to use. Default is "Gaussian" but typically "laplace" is also used.
A numeric value indicating the lower bound for the residue number. Default is 1. This may change if you want to subset the protien or avoid a his-tag.
A numeric value indicating the upper bound for the residue number. Default is R. This may change if you want to subset the protien.
A list of prior parameters for the model
A numeric value indicating the maximum uptake possible. Default is 0.92. Typically the deuterium buffer concentration of the HDX-MS experiment.
A character string indicating the initial parameter to
use. Default is "d" but "b" is also possible. This is used to help find
good initial parameters by guessing the initial uptake and is used
in the uptakeGuess
function. We do not recommend changing
this unless you are an expert.
A numeric value indicating the number of chains to run. Default is 2. This is used to run the chains in parallel.
An integer value indicating the random number generation seed. Default is NULL. This is used to set the seed for reproducibility.
A BiocParallelParam object indicating the parallel backend to use. Default is BiocParallel::bpparam(). This is used to run the chains in parallel.
An object of class DataFrame containing the HDX-MS data
returns an object of class RexParams
containing the results
returns an object of class RexParams
containing the results
The 'ReX' function generates the sample from the joint posterior distribution
(object or class 'Rexparams') based on annotated HDX-MS data (object of class
DataFrame). Both are then passed to the RexProcess
function to generate
summary data for further analysis and visualisation
The 'ReX' function generates the sample from the joint posterior distribution
(object or class 'Rexparams') based on annotated HDX-MS data (object of class
DataFrame). Both are then passed to the RexProcess
function to generate
summary data for further analysis and visualisation
BRD4_apo <- BRD4_apo %>% filter(End < 40)
numTimepoints <- length(unique(BRD4_apo$Exposure))
Timepoints <- unique(BRD4_apo$Exposure)
rex_example <- rex(HdxData = DataFrame(BRD4_apo),
numIter = 4, # typically much larger
R = max(BRD4_apo$End),
numtimepoints = numTimepoints,
timepoints = Timepoints,
seed = 1L,
numChains = 1L,
tCoef = c(0, rep(1, 5)),
BPPARAM = SerialParam())
#> Fold 1 ... Fold 2 ... Fold 3 ... Fold 4 ... Fold 5 ...
| | 0%